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Grey hairs of male - The Little hair Salon

Why Is Your Hair Turning Grey When You Are Still Young?

Grey hair is one of the first signs of aging. And like everything in life, aging looks good only if it happens at the appropriate time. You might have nutritional deficiencies or genetics if you are young and energetic but suffer from grey hair.


But all these things are nothing to worry about! Hair may be a sign of youth and beauty. However, you can be an iconoclast among your peeps by sporting your grey hair with pro styling. As a salon in Viman Nagar Pune, we can also dye your hair for a more natural look.


Let’s look at a few causes of grey hair that will let you know the methods to tackle them.


You don’t have enough vitamins in your body.


Vitamin deficiencies are related to a lot of diseases. In your case, you might have a vitamin B9, B12, D, or biotin deficiency. A deficiency of copper or zinc can also trigger greying of hair. Many picky eaters or vegetarians don’t consume beans, meat, eggs, or dairy daily. If you belong to this category, it is time to change your diet.


All these vitamins ensure that your body functions properly. Therefore, an inadequate amount in your body can be a sign of your poor eating habits. Include foods that are rich in these vitamins to replenish their amount. You can even get supplements after consulting with your doctor.


One of your parents must have had grey hair in their youth.


Genetics play an important part in our physical well-being. Your genetics more or less determine the quality of your life. Ask your mom or dad if they had grey hair in their youth. If they say, you have got your answer.

Grey long hairs - The Little Hair Salon

And don’t stress a lot about this factor because no one has control over their genetics. By leading a healthy lifestyle, you can ensure that your genes are not passed on to your children. You can also wait till all your hair turns grey and sport a funky dye at our salon in Viman Nagar. When life gives you lemons it’s time to make lemonade!


You are low on antioxidants.


Antioxidants are chemicals in your body that prevent the formation of free radicals. To explain in simple language, free radicals are small molecules in the body responsible for the process of aging. Antioxidants decrease free radicals in your body so that your aging process slows down.


Therefore, a low antioxidant level can also trigger grey hair on your head. It might reduce the formation of melanin pigment that imparts a black or brown colour to your hair. You can improve your antioxidant levels by eating more citrus fruits and leafy vegetables.


You have a stressful life.


A stressful life can also be a reason behind your grey hair. Stress can be of various types. You may go through college stress, office stress, financial stress, depression, or anxiety disorders. These diseases release stress hormones in the body that are harmful to your skin and hair health.


Many stressful people suffer from premature aging. Their lives have no work-life balance or they go through personal issues that are difficult to overcome. As a holistic salon in Pune, we suggest consulting a mental health professional must be your first concern at this time. You can also try meditation and early morning walks to soak vitamin D from the sun.


You have an autoimmune disease.


Various autoimmune diseases attack your hair follicles. Alopecia, vitiligo, anemia, or thyroid disorders can lead to grey hair. You must consult your doctor and get your vitals checked as soon as possible.


Autoimmune diseases can highly affect the quality of your life. However, with proper treatment, you can increase your lifespan and also lessen their negative effects.


You frequently use hair dye.


We have all been at that phase where we have experimented with hair colours. Dyes and bleach are a very common part of the hair colouring routine. But let us remind you that not all dyes and bleaches are safe.


Ammonia and formalin are a few ingredients that cause hair damage. A few low-quality hair colour products can cause greying. As the best hair salon in Pune, we always pick the best dyes for your hair type. No grey hair when we are here!


You are a smoker.


Lastly, smoking will hurt your hair’s health. Smoking affects our bodies in the most dangerous ways. It is no wonder that your hair will turn grey if you are a chronic smoker. The best way to reverse grey hair caused by smoking is to stop the habit at once.


Once you are sober, you will notice significant changes in your hair texture, volume, and colour. It will be as if you have a new head altogether!


Get Youthful Black Hair At Little Hair Salon!

Little Hair Salon is one of the best hair salons in Pune. We have a trained staff that specializes in hair colouring. You can get your favourite look with us in different hair hues and highlights. Visit us soon!