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New Year's Hair Care Resolutions

New Year’s Hair Care Resolutions

2024 is finally here! It’s time to achieve your goals through unmatched new values, unparalleled efforts, and also more motivation. However, just like you want to excel in your life and be the best version of your inner self, do not forget your outer self, too.


Now that you have joined the gym to work on your fitness goals and enrolled in that masterclass to sharpen your professional skills, don’t you think changing the fate of the most vulnerable part of your body is important? Your hair is the epitome of your beauty. It defines your health, youth, and vitality.


Therefore, caring for your locks must be your number one priority this new year. Follow these steps and see your transformation by the end of the year!

Use more conditioner and serum.


As the top unisex hair salon in Pune, our hairstylists have witnessed countless deadlocks and dry manes. Most of our job circles around damage control from pollution, sunlight, heat treatments, and hard water. Your hair is susceptible to any kind of harsh environment. 


We recommend using conditioner and hair serum to counter this damage. Conditioner protects your hair tips by sealing in moisture and protein. Your hair will be revitalized after regular conditioner use. 


Get a weekly hair spa.


Ever wondered how celebrities have such lovely and bouncy hair all the time? Simple, they get professional cleansing services to revamp their hair. Your hair is like a sponge that absorbs all the good and bad in its surroundings. Hence, if you introduce more nutritive elements it will become healthier than ever before. 


As celebrity hairstylists in Pune, we have observed the difference in the hair health of weekly spa clients and normal clients. A weekly spa adds a sleek shine to your hair while making it tangle-free. An irregular hair spa can also lead to dandruff and other scalp conditions. 


Use a hair mask.


Hair masks are a sure-shot way of giving the ultimate nutrition to your hair. Masks work incredibly well to build up keratin and collagen in your locks. We have seen amazing results in our clients who use a hair mask after they wash their hair. Their split ends are gone, dandruff is controlled, and their hair looks livelier after every wash.


One of your goals this year will be focussing on your hair growth while maintaining volume. The best way to do it is to use a hair mask. You can also apply a DIY hair mask made from yogurt, eggs, coconut oil, honey, and conditioner on moist hair before your wash. This mixture is recommended by our celebrity hairstylists in Pune and it is very effective for hair rejuvenation.


Stop heat treatments


Many people with curly and wavy hair tend to use straightening appliances more compared to people with smooth, straight hair. This ritual not only damages hair but also tarnishes its overall look. Therefore, it is wiser to limit heat treatments as a once-in-a-month event. 


Instead of heat styling, you can go for a natural look. Focus on improving your hair health so that your natural look outshines the artificial look. Our hair spas are designed to make you fall in love with your natural hair. Therefore, go for regular hair spas and DIY masks.


Oil your hair


Oiling is an ancient Indian beauty ritual where you apply oil on your hair the night before washing. Oiling sustains the well-being of your hair and all the treatments you do. It will also leave a whiff of enticing fragrance if you use an ayurvedic oil.


Many young women let go of this practice because they have adopted the Western idea of hair styling. However, with time oiling is coming back into the picture as we readopt our roots. You can use any oil of your choice such as coconut, onion seed, almond, olive, amla, rosemary, neem, etc. for your weekly oiling session.


Let the cool air dry your hair.


Hair dryers are in vogue these days. Many people lead busy lifestyles and they do not have time to naturally dry their hair. Hair dryers come in handy for these very reasons. However, this can weaken your hair strands and lead to breakage.


However, as the top unisex hair salon in Pune, our hairstylists recommend all men and women dry their hair as naturally as they can. Even if you use a hair dryer ensure that you use the cool air mode instead of the hot air. 


Eat more nuts


Taking steps to improve the external beauty of your hair is important. However, just like external steps, it is crucial to eat a good diet to improve your hair health internally. A protein-rich diet high in omega fats is a great diet for vital hair. 


Include more walnuts, almonds, cashews, lentils, avocado, and sunflower seeds in your diet. You can also add salmon, oily fish, organ meats, and yoghurt if you consume animal protein. These protein sources provide the best nutrients for your hair growth. 


As you embark on a journey to transform yourself in 2024, don’t forget to prioritize the health and vitality of your hair. Your locks are a reflection of your overall well-being, and by incorporating a few simple resolutions, you can achieve luscious and vibrant hair throughout the year.


Get a hair spa at the best unisex salon in Pune

Make these hair care resolutions a part of your New Year’s goals! Visit our salon in Pune to explore personalized hair care solutions and products that align with your hair type and goals. Let’s embark on this journey to healthier, more beautiful hair together. Book your appointment today and prioritize your hair’s well-being in 2024!