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Kids haircut in Pune

6 Tips to Keep Kids Entertained During a Haircut.

As professional hairstylists, we have to face all sorts of customers in our careers. Some may be annoying while others can be pleasant. Well, the customers that can be both plus on the verge of a crying hazard are kids. 

Kids take time to trust strange adults ( okay even normal ones! ). Before starting a kid’s haircut in Pune, we build mutual trust. Only then do they listen and allow us to go on with the haircut. Kids come frequently because you know, school rules, and may even hate the ‘barber’s shop’. We need to take care of the needs of our little customers.

Anyways, here are 6 tips for a kid’s haircut from professional hairstylists in Pune. 

Use a Screen

We all know that the best way to keep a kid in place is to hand them a mobile or a tablet. They can stare at that screen for hours. In the meantime, you can easily work your way around their hair. Start a favorite song, game, or cartoon. Let them enjoy their time while you work on the kid’s haircut. 

You can even ask the kid to tell you more about their favorite cartoon. A bond is formed between the hairstylist and them that is beneficial for the next haircut.

Hand a Toy 

Toys are a way of inviting children to play. While doing a kid’s haircut in Pune, we keep toys at close range and hand them whenever they want them. This can build trust in the child’s mind and they let you do a haircut in peace. The kid plays with the toy while you give them a smart look. 

For their next haircut, kids are even more excited and look forward to playing with the toy again.

Give Candy

What is a better way of making kids happy than offering a sweet treat? They love that stuff and also the person who gives it to them. If there is a fuss during a kid’s haircut in Pune, we offer a lollipop or a little chocolate in return for them to sit quietly. The candy is a prize for their good behavior. 

They will not trouble you for the next haircut because you would be the candy-man!

Make a kid-friendly background

Kids love a brightly colored background. Whenever we have to do a kid’s haircut in Pune, we move them towards our illuminated mirrors where they can see themselves. They love the vibrancy of the place and sit still for the haircut. 

Bright colors psychologically make the kid happier, so why not make their experience pleasant? Use shades of blue, yellow, and pink in your salon to make a kid-friendly area. You can even stick posters to amuse them. 

Entertain them

This might be a little tricky because kids do not respond very well to someone they are talking to for the first time. But still, there are some tips we use while doing a kid’s haircut in Pune. A salon is filled with various products of different smells and colors. let the kid smell them and have a good time. 

You can even play a haircut game with them, telling them to sit quietly while you make them ready for the next party. Talk to the kids about their school and friends keeping them busy. 

Involve the parent

Finally, if the kid won’t listen even after trying so much, ask the parents to settle them down. Ask the parent ways you can use to calm the kid. the parent can also play with them during the haircut. Tell the parent to explain to the kid about hair-cutting, involve them in the steps mentioned above and be present if they cry. 

Parents prove to be the best volunteers through a haircut and get the job done. 

Your salon must be a kid-friendly space as they are the most regular customers of haircuts. Kids always need a haircut so that hair does not come to face while studying and playing. All this should be done with a smile on your face. 

At Little Hair Salon, Pune we give the best atmosphere to the kid. They even enjoy haircutting at our salon and look forward to coming back.